Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brazil Trade (Brazilian Trade): Brazil Export, Brazil Import

Trade in goods as a percentage share of the GDP in the year 2000 was at 18.9 percent and increased to 25.1 percent in the year 2003.

he major exportable items constitute coffee, soybeans and manufacturing goods.

The major importable items are fuel, energy and capital goods.

A surplus is being marked in the merchandise trade of the Brazilian Economy over the years.

Brazil the largest populated country in the Latin America and Caribbean region has succeeded in reducing poverty to some extent and stepping towards attaining the millennium goals. The country in the recent years has risen to the

challenge posed by the single biggest health threat in the world pioneering an anti-HIV/AIDS strategy. It is in the year 2005, for the first time in three decades, Brazil is experiencing an external and fiscal equilibrium and low inflation.

Source: – World Bank Data Base.

Export and Import Levels (US $ Million)

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