Monday, October 26, 2009

Pakistan Trade (Pakistani Trade): Pakistan Import (Pakistani Imports), Pakistan Export (Pakistani Exports)

Major Export

The main export items of Pakistan are rice, furniture, cotton fiber, textiles, leather etc.

Major Import

The main import items of Pakistan are petroleum, industrial machinery, automobiles, computer, computer parts etc.

BOP Situation of the Pakistan Economy

The BOP of Pakistan registered a trade deficit worth $5.405 billion. This was due to the high import bill and the rise in the prices of imports. This rise in the trade deficit is the main reason, according to many economists, behind the depreciation in the Pakistani rupee against dollar and other currencies.
The following diagram represents the level of exports and the imports of the state over various years.

International Relations of the Pakistan Economy

The relations of Pakistan with some countries like India is very bitter. Otherwise it has good trade relations with US, UK Japan, China etc.

According to the 2005 estimated data, the exports earnings of the state are $ 17 billion.

In the present world the economy of Pakistan is a developing country. The estimated GDP of the country in purchasing power parity has reached $368 billion, which is larger than that of Saudi Arabia and slightly smaller than the GDP of Philippines. Foreign Trade Of Pakistan

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